Work made in collaboration with Ondrej Brody, text by Michal Pechoucek:
We can access the video of O. Brody & K. Paetau by stepping into an area of profound loss escalated by an unpleasant physical confrontation. The artists are operating at the border of ethical limits which most of us do not dispute but rather fear and ignore. Our natural fear of losing control and the integrity of our conceptions are challenged by the ‘evil forces’ operating within the structure of the video called “Auticko”. Auticko means ‘small toy car’ in Czech. It might also evocate the term ‘autism’ and produce other associations in the viewers’ mind. “Auticko” was produced for a particular occasion – it was filmed and showed in the Jiri Svestka Gallery in Prague. The act of violence, aggression, manipulation and (remote-) control is omnipresent in the work and it is only up to the viewer to decide if this is happening rightfully. Auticko is on the first sight a cruel, cynical and sexually explicit work. Brody’s & Paetau’s raw, almost anti-artistic approach seems over-structured, overexposed and leaves us at its original anti-aesthetical stage with everything in our face that most of us are trying to hide…
View “Auticko” Quicktime Video 
